Organizational Behavior At Ogdcl Management

Essay add: 27-01-2016, 10:36   /   Views: 142

Meeting the demands of today's changing business environment requires building and retaining a loyal and motivated staff. But finding and keeping quality employees can pose a challenge.

Today's workers are no longer inclined to stay at one company for the duration of their careers. The most talented professionals often are courted by other businesses, and the effects of turnover can be costly. The time and money it takes to recruit, rehire and retain can quickly cut into a firm's bottom line.

This study is an examination of effects that are brought by inequity, lack of training & development & bureaucratic working environment over Employee Turnover. Empirically, it is an investigation of above mentioned elements that are antecedents of job dissatisfaction and intentions to turnover. Significant relationships are found between inequity and job dissatisfaction and between company inequity and intention to turnover & how lack of training & development & rigid working conditions keep employees demotivated & hence dissatisfied from their job.

The following information attempts to answer the question,

"Is Employee Turnover affected by Inequity in Pays, Lack of Training & Development & Bureaucratic Working Environment?"

In order to answer this question, several topics will be discussed. Firstly, broad problem area for this question will be defined given along with the factors that are responsible for employee turnover. Secondly, the causes of employee turnover will be tested through questionnaires & interviews. These methods will provide quantifiable information used to measure the level of employee turnover in the firm. Next, the effect of such factors over employees & employers will be discussed. Lastly, the causal relationship will be discussed. Conclusions will follow resulting from the information gathered for this research.



The Oil & Gas Development Company Limited (OGDCL) was created under an Ordinance in 1961, to undertake comprehensive exploratory program and promote Pakistan's oil and gas prospects.  in July 1989, OGDCL was off-loaded from  Government Budget, making it a self financing entity. And In 1997, it was converted into Public Limited Company and is now governed by the Companies Ordinance 1984. In Nov 2003, the GOP divested 5% of its shares in the company through an initial Public Offering (IPO). The company is now listed on all the major stock exchanges of the country.

OGDCL holds the largest share of oil and gas reserves in the country, i.e. 48% of total oil and 34% of total gas reserves.  Its percentage share of the total oil and gas production in Pakistan is 52% and 23% respectively.  On the basis of its activities since inception, the company has made 60 discoveries. OGDCL's estimates for remaining recoverable oil and gas reserves as on 1st Jan 2005 stood at 9,552 Billion Standard Cubic Feet (BSCF) of and gas and 139 MMbbls of oil.

Human Resource Base

During the last 43 years OGDCL has grown into a technically and commercially viable organization and possesses the largest professional/technical human resource base in the country's oil and gas industry.  It has developed a highly qualified pool of professionals who can undertake and supervise almost all phases of oil and gas exploration and production, from carrying out preliminary geological surveys to operation of oil and gas processing plants.

Equipment Base

OGDCL has also developed a sound equipment and operational base which includes nine Drilling Rigs, two Work over Rigs, a Geological Field Party, six Seismic Parties, five Engineering Field Parties, two Gas Gathering and Pipeline Construction Parties, Seismic Data Processing Center, and a Geological Analysis Laboratory, Cementing Units and Data Logging units.  The Company also operates nine Oil and Gas Processing Plants, including a mini-refinery, Sulphur Recovery Plant, and LPG Plants.  The Company also established an Oil & Gas Training Institute, which is the only one in Pakistan.

It has an extensive database.  Services of the Company's highly qualified and skilled expertise in the field of geology and geophysics are frequently availed by the local and foreign oil companies.  It also leases out its drilling rigs to the private sector and carries out seismic surveys and data processing on contract for these companies on extremely competitive rates.


Vision Statement

"To be a leading, regional Pakistani E & P Company, recognized for its people, partnerships and performance.

Mission Statement

"our mission is to become a competitive, dynamic and growing E & P company, rapidly enhancing our reserves through world class workforce, best management practices and technology and maximizing returns to all stakeholders by capturing high value business opportunities within the county and abroad, while being a responsible corporate citizen.

Core Values



Team work





To reduce cost and time over runs to improve financial results.

To maximize profits by investing surplus funds in profitable revenues.

To make investment decisions by ranking projects on the basis of best economic indicators.

Growth and superior return to all stakeholders.

Double the value of the company in next five years.

Learning and Growth

Motivate and train our workforce, revitalized our equipment base and attain full autonomy in financial and decision making matters.

To enhance the technical and commercial skill through modern HR Management practices.

Continuously develop technical and managerial skills at all levels and stay abreast of latest technological developments in the industry.

Utilization of best blend of latest technologies and high performing human resources.


Improve the quality of service to make it faster and more transparent.

Quality, dependability, responsible corporate citizen.

Reliable and efficient company.

To provide most reliable supplies to the customers through cost effective means.

Internal processes

To set up task forces with representation from all relevant departments to improve internal business decision making and strategic planning.

Excel in exploration, development, and commercialization.

Availability of updated information to the shareholders and customers.

To use most effective business practices and formulate a framework of synergic organization with the change in culture.

Facts & Figures

Established in 


 Major Activities

          Exploration & Development of Oil & Gas Resources

 Wells Drilled (up to 31-01-2005)

          Exploratory Wells      :        193

          Development Wells    :        243

 Major Oil & Gas Fields

          Chanda, Tando Alam, Thora, Sono, Bobi, Pasaki, Lashari, Toot, 

          Chak Naurang, Fimkasar, Dakhni, Sadkal, Rajian, Missa Kiswal, Kal,

          Dhodak, Missan, Loti, Qadirpur, Nandpur, Uch, Daru, Kunnar, Palli

          and Pirkoh.

 Major Concessions

          Jandran, Dudial, Shahana Fateh Jamg, Rachna, Saruna, 

          Zamurdan,  Kotra, Zin, Bitrisim, Tando Allah Yar, Nim, Sinjhoro,

          Gurgalot, Khewari, Nashpa Siahan (Reconnaissance Permit),

          Indus Delta-A Bitrism, Bagh, Kohlu & Kalchas.


          Crude Oil, Gas, LPG and Sulphur

 Average Quantity Sold (Quarter Ended September 30, 2004)

          Crude Oil       

Article name: Organizational Behavior At Ogdcl Management essay, research paper, dissertation